Write a guest review!

Our readers frequently come up with more or less detailed suggestions and opinions on books on European politics, the EU, its Member States and Institutions. So we thought we might as well turn these suggestions into full book reviews.

If you would like to submit a review, in English or French, of a new book or a classic (the book may be in any language), get in touch with us at central.library@consilium.europa.eu; tell us briefly why the book is important, and why you are the right person to review it. To have a more precise idea of the issues that are keeping our librarians and readers busy, see the recent lists of new acqusitions.

The library team will chose the most relevant submissions, propose a deadline and, once we receive the review, suggest (minor) editing and publish it with a short profile of the reviewer.

Reviews should be around 700-1000 words; they should include a summary of the book’s main points and a reasoned appraisal of its arguments, methodology, or signficance for the broad field of EU studies.

Previous guest reviews are listed below:

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