Think Tank Review – Issue 12/2014

The April Think Tank Review is out, referencing papers published in March.

A lot of attention from think tanks goes to the European elections on 22-25 May. Also, the EU response to the crisis continues to be a focus of think tank work, with analyses on the Economic and Monetary Union, the banking union and a parallel with the EMS crisis in the 1990’s. Its social impact constitutes the special focus of this month’s TTR, and it is reflected for example in papers advocating a social union or a “grand bargain” for Europe.

On Member States, we found some coverage by think tanks of elections in Hungary, but also an analysis of bilateral summits and papers on Belgium, Cyprus and Latvia, complemented by regards croisés spanning across France, Germany, Poland and Hungary.

The sectorial policies represented in this month’s Review include defence, development, industry and competitiveness, and migration; the external relations section features both analyses of the broad strategic picture and more specific perspectives, for example on the role of EU delegations in third countries and on the effectiveness of EU sanctions. Predictably, we found analyses on Ukraine from a variety of sources in the US, Spain, Germany, Portugal.

The Think Tank Review is based on the monitoring of more than 200 worldwide think tanks active on EU affairs. Feel free to help our research team by giving feedback on our selection. Previous issues of the Think Tank Review are available here.

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