Think Tank Review

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Dear Readers,

Welcome to the homepage of the Think Tank Review (TTR), compiled by the Central Library at the General Secretariat of the Council.Fotolia_47331352_XL

The TTR gathers publications on EU affairs from think tanks over a month, as harvested from the rich fields of the industry that tries to give meaning to events in the world.

The papers selected each month are then indexed permanently in a special repository within our library catalogue, where they can be searched and retrieved.

issue 37 issue 36 issue 35 issue 34 issue 33 issue 32 issue 31
issue 30 issue 29 issue 28 issue 27 issue 26 issue 25 issue 24 issue 23 issue 22 issue 21
issue 20 issue 19 issue 18 issue 17 issue 16 issue 15 issue 14 issue 13 issue 12 issue 11
issue 10 issue 9 issue 8 issue 7 issue 6 issue 5 issue 4 issue 3 issue 2 issue 1

Special Issues:

special issue uk referendum
special issue franco-german relationship

special issue asia-eu relations
special issue scottish referendum
special issue uk relationship to the eu
special issue eu-us relations

25 responses to “Think Tank Review

    • Thanks a lot for commenting. In fact, issue 8 includes papers in French (look for entries by Fondation Schuman, Notre Europe, Institut français des rélations internationales) and one in German too. In previous issues we had papers in Dutch, Portuguese and other languages, with abstract in English.

      However, you are right in pointing out that the largest share of think tank publications we harvest is in English. This has mostly to do with our (limited) human resources, and with how think tanks from around Europe publish in the first place.

      Ironically, we discussed this in English and Polish a couple of months ago with our colleagues of the College of Europe – Natolin campus.

  1. Pingback: European Sources Online·

  2. Dear Ralf, heaven forbid if the Central Library has a say in what language someone writes in, that would be very Orwellian. Their job is to catalogue and record. You are hassling the wrong people.

  3. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Issue 10/2014 | Central Library·

  4. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Issue 11/2014 | Central Library·

  5. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Special Issue EU-US Relations | Central Library·

  6. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Issue 12/2014 | Central Library·

  7. Pingback: What is Europe really thinking? | LSE Library blog·

  8. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Issue 13/2014 | Central Library·

  9. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Issue 14/2014 | Central Library·

  10. Pingback: The Role of Think Tanks in Shaping Policy Making | Central Library·

  11. Pingback: Think Tank Review – September issue – Preselection of papers | Central Library·

  12. Pingback: US Ambassador to the EU Addresses Perspectives on Transatlantic Relations | Central Library·

  13. Pingback: Think Tank Review Issue – 16/2014 | Central Library·

  14. Pingback: Think Tank Review – October issue preview | Central Library·

  15. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Issue 17/2014 | Central Library·

  16. Pingback: Resource alert: A New Ambition for Europe – Carnegie Europe | Central Library·

  17. Pingback: Think Tank Review – Issue 21/2015 | Central Library·

  18. Dear Mr Marzocchi,
    you may want to take into consideration in your next issue our yearly report Observatory on Europe.
    It’s a comprehensive monitoring on European competitiveness and integration evolution since 2005, whose 2015 edition has been presented to the public on July the 2nd in the related Brussels Forum at the Hotel Amigo, at the presence of VP Andrus Ansip and of the Belgian Deputy-Prime Minister Kris Peeters.
    You will find an e-copy of this report as well as of previous editions on the web site under the section “documentation”.
    I’m of course at your disposal for any further information you may require.
    With my best regards.
    Francesco Di Lodovico
    Head of Brussels Office
    The European House – Ambrosetti

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